2021 ADA Area Wide Flyer SP

ADA vs. Canada Draft Point System

Welcome to the D-Draft ADA vs. Canada Online Team Draft!
Draft your team of 7 team members below for a chance of CASH PRIZES!

The D-Draft will be partnering with the ADA’s Event: Team ADA vs Canada in a “Draft Your Team! This is limited to the first 100 people who sign up. $10 Entry fee and the Top 8 people will place.
Draft rules:
+ Choose your own 7 members from each team (no more than 4 per each country)
+ At least one Female from each country
+ All Entries must be in by Friday, November 5th
+ $8 out of the $10 collected will be paid out

Here is our Stat Point System based on your Team’s Draft:

D-Draft Stats

1. Final Average/PPR

100+ \10 points
90-99 \ 9 points
80-89 \ 8 points
70-79 \ 7 points
60-69 \ 6 points
50-59 \5 points
40-49 \4 points
30-39. \3 points
20-29. \2 points

2. High Outs

170. \ 10 points
161-167 \ 9 points
141-160 \ 8 points
121-140 \ 7 points
101-120 \ 6 points
91-100. \5 points

3. Best game

9 darts \10 points
10-12 darts \ 9 points
13-15 darts \ 8 points
15-18 darts \ 7 points
19-21 darts \ 6 points
22-25 darts \5 points
26-28 darts \4 points
29-31 darts. \3 points
32-35 darts. \ 2 points

4. High Score Totals

180 \10 points
171-177 \ 9 points
161-170 \ 8 points
151-160 \ 7 points
141-150 \ 6 points
131-140 \5 points
121-130. \4 points
111-120 \ 3 points
100-110. \2 points
90-99. \ 1 point

5. Total Legs Won

6. 10 BONUS points for most 180s (1 winner)

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